Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If I were Andy Warhol,

The Founder of Pop Art: Andy Warhol

        If I could change any person, I would like to change Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol is the founder of Pop Art, and first American artist. His love of bright color and bold patterns along with his quirky personality paved the way for his successful career as a major figure in the pop art movement. Warhol was born in Pennsylvania, in August of 1928. He  studied commercial design at Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh.After graduation, he moved to New York to pursue his successful career. He began producing "Pop" pictures in 1960 with works based on Popeye, Nancy, and Dick Tracy comic. Andy Warhol produced goods of Campbell's Soup cans and Green Coca Cola bottles and made him famous. Warhol was a personality and established of Pop art. He died in 1987, the Andy Warhol Museum opened in Pittsburgh. In conclusion, Andy Warhol have been influenced to artist in the world  I want to learn his passion and creative evolution.

1 comment:

  1. wo! it is cool! i think it is a wonderful art, and i hope you can do that like andy warhol.
